【东西视记】何为美(女) 定义不同 The ‘ideal’ woman



“Whether it’s contemporary or 19th century, they want to know what size it is or what size it would correlate to, or what measurement it is,” said the curator of Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. “We as a culture, as a society, are obsessed with size. It’s become connected to our identity as people.”

This obsession fuels societal pressures to appear a certain way and to have a certain body type, particularly among young women, stemming from a cultural construct of the “ideal” body, which has in turn changed over time — as long ago as pre-history.

Thousands of years ago, sculptures and artworks portrayed curvaceous, thickset silhouettes. More recently, in the late 20th century, thin, waif-like models filled the pages of fashion magazines. Now, shapely backsides are celebrated with “likes” on social media.

【东西视记】:在法国(欧洲),东方指伊朗 印度 穆斯林国家,中国日本是【远东】;中国文化视印度伊朗为“西”(西游记),欧洲美国为西方

这次是 Orient Joins Occident 🙂 缩写为 ojo 在西班牙语是【眼睛】,眼睛是视觉观察,今天我们【视记】西方


理想美女 Kelly Brook


留法前辈 芬古斯 老先生曾经(30多年前)“定义”:


1/ 背面看是个 8 字

2/ 侧面看是个 8字

3/ 弯头90度看,还是个 8 字

3 个 8,三八妇女节 也 🙂   当然没有因果关系喽,法国浪漫幽默而已


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